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Celebrating a Century of Visual Wonders.

Centennial of the Planetarium Logo

The stars were just the beginning!

Celebrate the Centennial of the Planetarium with us from 2023 to 2025!

Since the beginning of time, man has been fascinated by the starry sky and the secrets of the universe. The sky was brought down to earth in October 1923 when the first planetarium projector was unveiled in Jena, Germany. The first planetarium opened to the public on May 7, 1925, when the Deutsches Museum opened in Munich. Today, planetariums reveal the secrets of the universe – they are a gateway to space; they inform and inspire by creating audiovisual worlds of experience. Since 1923, planetariums have evolved. The entire universe can now be represented realistically, allowing everyone to experience distant worlds and the wonders of the cosmos as if they themselves had their very own spacecraft. In addition to vivid representations of scientific content, live concerts, laser shows and other cultural events fascinate visitors. Every visit to a planetarium stimulates the imagination like no other venue can.

Latest News:


The Centennial planetarium program is available in optomechanical and ‘all digital’ versions here.


The film KIRA is now freely available to all planetariums. It is available as a 4k video at the links below.

English: https://hidrive.ionos.com/lnk/EiLO2NDU

German: https://hidrive.ionos.com/lnk/xdrOWL23

Portrait of Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier - Patron of the Centennial of the Planetarium
Bundesregierung/ Steffen Kugler

Official Patron of the
Centennial of the Planetarium

Frank-Walter Steinmeier

Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany


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Until the official closing event of the celebrations:


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