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Celebrating a Century of Visual Wonders.

Inauguration of the International Day of the Planetariums

Coordinator: Björn Voss

There was already an annual day of the planetariums in earlier years, celebrated in March. It was now discussed and decided in IPS to move this day to May 7th, beginning from 2024. In the anniversary year, on May 7th, 2024, we will thus celebrate the “birthday of the planetarium” for the first time on this date, which will be the 99th birthday of the planetariums. This will be a milestone and a prominent event in the festival year; the exact content is still to be decided.

The 100th birthday will of course follow on May 7th, 2025, which will at the same time be the conclusion and “main event” of the Centennial.

On May 7th, 2026, the 101st birthday will be celebrated, and so on in the subsequent years, as an annual “Planetarium Day”. In those subsequent years, this day will have the function to draw public attention to the planetariums through joint activities of all planetariums on this  day.

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