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Celebrating a Century of Visual Wonders.


Coordinators: GDP Board

The Board of Directors of the GDP (election period 2021 to 2023)

Dr. Björn Voß, President GDP

Dr. Björn Voß, President

Planetarium Hamburg
Linnering 1 (Stadtpark)
22299 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 (0)40 428 86 52-50
E-Mail: bjoern.voss (at) planetarium-hamburg.de

Andreas Vogel, Vice President GDP

Andreas Vogel, Vice President

Olbers-Planetarium der Hochschule Bremen
Werderstraße 73
28199 Bremen
Tel.: +49 (0)421 40 88 99 300
E-Mail: andreas-vogel (at) gdp-planetarium.org
Contact person for: Small planetariums, Walther Bauersfeld Award

Susanne Hüttemeister, Vice President GDP

Prof. Dr. Susanne Hüttemeister, Vice President

Planetarium Bochum
Castroper Straße 69
44791 Bochum
Tel.: +49 (0)234 5160680
E-Mail: susanne-huettemeister (at) gdp-planetarium.org
Contact person for: Didactics, Marketing, Public Relations

Axel Krieger, Treasurer

Axel Krieger, Treasurer

Gesellschafter Planetarium Schwaz GmbH
Alte Landstraße 15
6130 Schwaz
Tel.: +43 (0)5242 72129
E-Mail: axel-krieger (at) gdp-planetarium.org
Contact person for: GDP payment transactions

Sebastian Thiele

Sebastian Thiele

Raumflugplanetarium Cottbus
Lindenplatz 21
03042 Cottbus
Tel.: +49 (0)355 71 31 09
E-Mail: sebastian-thiele (at) gdp-planetarium.org
Contact person for: social media, website

Dr. Andreas Schmidt

Dr. Andreas Schmidt

Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10
07745 Jena
Tel.: +49 (0)3641 640690
E-Mail: andreas-schmidt (at) gdp-planetarium.org
Contact person for: General questions about the GDP and membership, GDP reports to the IPS.

Inga Schlesier

Inga Schlesier

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Franckeplatz 1/Haus 31
06110 Halle (Saale)
Tel.: 0345 5523869
E-Mail: inga-schlesier (at) gdp-planetarium.org
Contact person for: Didactics, Marketing, Public Relations

Previous board members since the foundation of the GDP in 2011


2011-2015 Gerd Thiele

since 2015 Dr. Björn Voß

Vice Presidents

2011-2015 Dr. Björn Voß

2011-2015 Dr. Christian Theis

2015-2019 Gerd Thiele

since 2015 Andreas Vogel

since 2019 Judith Holländer



2011-2013 Dr. Uwe Lemmer

2013-2015 Prof. Karin Flegel

2015-2017 Iris Brückner

since 2017 Axel Krieger


Board members without office

2011-2013 Prof. Karin Flegel

2013-2014 Dr. Uwe Lemmer

2014-2015 Andreas Vogel

2015-2017 Axel Krieger

2015-2019 Judith Holländer

2015-2019 Andreas Scholl

since 2019 Inga Schlesier

since 2019 Sebastian Thiele

since 2019 Dr. Andreas Schmidt