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Celebrating a Century of Visual Wonders.


fulldomedia gmbh

We come directly to your school with our mobile planetariums!
fulldomedia gmbh

A room with an area of 8m x 8m and a height of at least 4.5m is required (usually a gymnasium). In the tent, up to 60 young people can sit on the floor to follow a demonstration. There can be as many performances per day as there are lessons in the school day.
Programmes are set up to suit each learning group in consultation with the teachers, with a basic choice of video playback or live moderated programmes with supporting astronomy simulation software.
The costs are usually between € 4.00 and € 8.00 and are calculated individually according to expenditure (distance, number of participants, number of presentations, additional expenditure if necessary). The more participants in total take part in the planetarium show, the cheaper it is for the individual participant!

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