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Celebrating a Century of Visual Wonders.

Celebrate harder - a Contest for the best Local Projects, Centennial Projects

New grants to support more local projects

Category Picture Local Projectors

It is time to celebrate with the biggest number of people we can!
Plan your event for May 7th,2025. Imagine all planetariums celebrating together.

To help realize the best ideas for activities, shows, talks and much more during the centennial celebration on May 7th, 2025, IPS will be offering 5 grants up to USD1.000,00 and another 10 grants up to USD500,00.

Grants to support local projects – Submission Guidelines

Main goal:

The Planetarium Centennial year must be a globally celebrated anniversary. The idea of offering grants to develop activities, exhibitions, shows and much more during the centennial celebration, May 7th, 2025, consists of a way to promote this global celebration.

1 Announcement and organization

IPS will be in charge of the announcement, proposal evaluation and grant distribution, as well as the evaluation of the projects resulting from the granted awards.
– The project ideas shall be submitted through Centennial web page
– The submission of project ideas will be open until August 15th, 2024
– The grants will be awarded to the winning proposals by December, 2024 – The projects shall be executed in May 7th, 2025 celebration.

2 Projects

The Centennial grants will be distributed to different types of projects. In any case, the projects have to be directly related to the Centennial year celebrations. IPS is organizing a live-transmitted event between the planetariums and the local projects are encouraged to propose activities that will complement this event. Projects can be developed: to promote one special event for the Centennial closing ceremony, including music, theater, special
guests or any inspiring idea; It can promote inclusion and accessibility for your event; it can be used in marketing and advertising the celebration; or it can be a plan to expand your celebration with a mobile dome in a distant place.
Each project application shall be delivered in English only, in a 2 pages text, with the following information:
1) Name of the proponent;
2) Planetarium of the proponent;
3) City and Country of the proponent;
4) Other members of the project and their affiliation;
5) Detailed Budget (Maximum USD 500,00 or USD 1.000,00) and
6) Details on the planned activity.

3 Eligible Applicants

The call for proposals shall be published publicly online. Anyone can submit a proposal.
Submissions are restricted to one application per proponent.
Applications will be accepted from individual people, groups of individuals, and from institutional applicants.
A jury will evaluate the applications, and based on the evaluations make a decision to which applications to award a grant. The jurys decisions will be final and cannot be appealed. The jury will be instated by IPS, and shall be composed of representatives of IPS or its affiliates,
media experts, and artists. The decisions of the jury will be made by majority vote and cannot be legally challenged.

4 Grants

Each project idea submission can apply for a grant of up to USD 500,00 or USD 1.000,00.
IPS will fund a total of USD 10.000,00. IPS will support at least 5 USD 1.000,00 grants and 10 USD 500,00. Additional grants could be offered depending on possible additional sponsorship support.

5 Presentation of the granted projects

The granted projects shall produce a written report (10 to 20 pages) and a video report (10 to 15min).
IPS encourages each recipient of a grant to share their project news on social media using the #planetarium100 hashtag.

6 License

All materials and activities developed by the granted projects shall be licensed under CC BY 4.0 (free to use, distribute and create over it). The project products, e.g., 3D models, fulldome shows, exhibitions etc. shall also be distributed through the Centennial webpage.

7 Deadline

The deadline for submissions is August 15th 2024.

The registrations have been closed!